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ClearScore is a business dedicated to helping its users improve their financial wellbeing. They are now the #1 way to access your financial data, by giving users access to their credit score & report for free, forever. With over 20 million users worldwide, they are rapidly expanding their reach and impact in multiple markets.

We’re grateful that Clearscore has been a long term client for Aura, with a relationship spanning almost three years. 

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Clearscore were looking to amplify their impact on paid social across multiple markets. The core objective was to reduce acquisition costs whilst improving engagement and click-through, in order to maximise acquisition potential across paid social. 

The challenge came in two parts. Firstly, localising content for key markets involved a level of financial literacy and knowledge to understand the nuances of each territory. This meant bedding in deep with the Clearscore marketing team to build foundational knowledge to inform our creative decision making. Secondly, was to capture the attention of potential users that perhaps had little to no financial literacy, and not only educate but encourage action. 

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Our creative approach with Clearscore has primarily focused on three things; (1) education (2) relatability and (3) digestibility. All three of which were localised to individual territories. Key elements to our approach included:


We knew that there was a general lack of understanding about what your credit score is and why it’s important. Therefore our content always aimed to educate prospective users and tap into key pain points in order to drive outcomes.

Relatability, with authenticity

Ads in the financial space are often delivered in an arbitrary, matter-of-fact fashion. We introduced UGC and unique concepts (such as vox pops) to really bring a new layer of relatability to our audience, which ultimately supported our ability to drive results.


We know that financial information can be dry, so every ad we produced focused on being quick & easy to digest, so that our audience could absorb the information quickly and therefore improve overall CTRs.

Asset volume

The key to scale is in asset volume, the more we test, the more likely we are to find winners. Over the years we’ve produced hundreds of assets for Clearscore, producing various concepts, angles, formats and versions in order to maximise hit rate (%).


Clearscore is a global brand, with multiple territories across the world, all of which have their own varying financial legislation and restrictions. We ensured that all ad creative was tailored for key markets, in order to maximise asset longevity.

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We’ve worked with ClearScore to develop a bespoke creative engine that is tailored to their individual needs as a client. Over the course of our three year relationship, we’ve produced hundreds of assets across 5 different markets and 4 different platforms. We are relied upon to churn out creative at speed and to the standard which the Clearscore brand expects. This has enabled Clearscore to focus on scaling rather than getting lost in the weeds of creative production.

In addition to this, our capabilities unlocked a new acquisition channel for them - TikTok - which was previously inaccessible. By tapping into native creator ads (CGC) we have been able to 

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