eCommerce Marketing

5 Best Practices For Creating Pinterest Ads

August 8, 2023
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When you have the budget to expand your advertising efforts, it’s only natural that you’re looking for other platforms to advertise on.

Since launching in 2010, Pinterest has amassed a dedicated user base, with ‘roughly 5.8% of all the people on Earth us[ing] Pinterest today’.

If you’re interested in creating Pinterest ads, you might be wondering what some of the best practices to follow are.

To make the most out of your Pinterest ads, there are a variety of best practices you can follow to stand out in the feed.

5 best practices for creating Pinterest ads include, but are not limited to:

  1. Create video ads
  2. Test a variety of strategies
  3. Utilise the description 
  4. Choose relevant landing pages
  5. Make the most of the Pinterest Tag 

1. Create Video Ads

One of the best practices for creating Pinterest ads is to create video ads.

Pinterest ad videos autoplay on mobile devices, and considering ‘82% of people use Pinterest on mobiles’, this emphasises an opportunity for advertisers to capitalise on. 

When it comes to creating a video ad for Pinterest, you will want to ensure that you:

  • Keep it short - Pinners are on the Pinterest app to browse, so keep the ad short and enticing.
  • Prioritise high-quality footage - Bad, blurry video will reflect badly on your brand and will do the opposite of generating interest.
  • Don’t rely solely on sound - As pinners have the option to enable sound, it’s essential that you convey your business message and entice viewers in with other means like subtitles and on-video text.

At Aura Ads, our in-house production team has years of experience in producing vibrant video and static ads on a range of platforms.

If you’re interested in creating scroll-stopping ads, get in touch with a member of our team today.

5 best practices for Pinterest ads
Since launching in 2010, Pinterest has amassed a dedicated user base, with ‘roughly 5.8% of all the people on Earth us[ing] Pinterest today’.

2. Test A Variety Of Strategies

The next best practice for creating Pinterest ads is to test a variety of strategies. 

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to getting the most out of your advertising efforts on Pinterest or any other platform for that matter, which is why experimenting with strategies is so important.

It’s good practice to test a range of pins, and strategies, as well as targeting options to find out what works best for your business.

You can even create multiple ads under the same campaign, and use past campaigns that you can adjust in order to test specific changes and see how they impact your ad performance. 

Test, test, and test again to ensure you’re using the right strategy for your business.

Best practices for Pinterest ads
There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to getting the most out of your advertising efforts on Pinterest or any other platform for that matter, which is why experimenting with strategies is so important.

3. Utilise The Description 

An important best practice to follow when creating ads for Pinterest is to utilise the description.

While the pin’s image is designed to grab your audience’s attention in the first instance, your description should bolster this to increase engagement with your ad.

The purpose of your description is to entice your audience. Don’t just describe what the product is, highlight why your product is valuable to them, using words such as ‘high-quality’ and ‘premium’.

You could even describe a problem your customer might be experiencing and how your product is the solution. 

This way, you’re highlighting the benefits of your product whilst emphasising what makes your brand stand out from others.

4. Choose Relevant Landing Pages

The next best practice to follow is to choose relevant landing pages when attaching them to your Pinterest ad.

The landing pages that you choose to attach to your ad are of crucial importance, as you should be sending pinners directly to the content they’d expect after clicking on the pin.

While it might be tempting to send them to your homepage, this isn’t relevant, and you can risk losing the lead after they land on an irrelevant landing page.

Choosing relevant landing pages will allow you to capitalise on their interest, and drive conversions as a result.

5. Make The Most Of The Pinterest Tag 

Last, but not least, a best practice to follow is to make the most of the Pinterest Tag.

The Pinterest Tag is a plugin that allows you to track conversions, providing you with invaluable data and insights whenever a customer completes an action on your website after they’ve clicked on your Pinterest ad. 

From page visits to sign-ups to the number of completed transactions, this provides you with the means of tracking how valuable these clicks are and allows you to build retargeting campaigns based on the website activity you collect.

By using the Pinterest Tag, then, you can measure your ad performance and use the information to understand your audience as well as improve future campaigns.

Pinterest ad best practices
Pinterest ad videos autoplay on mobile devices, and considering ‘82% of people use Pinterest on mobiles’, this emphasises an opportunity for advertisers to capitalise on. 

We hope you’ve gained a better understanding of some of the best practices for creating Pinterest ads.

If you’re looking to learn more about Pinterest ads or advertising on another platform, don’t hesitate to get in touch by clicking the ‘Schedule A Call’ button on our website.

We are Aura Ads, an ecommerce ad service designed for D2C eCommerce brands. We help clients sell more online and grow at scale with our bespoke video and static creative delivered on a monthly basis. For more tips and tricks from our experts, head over to our blog page.

Written by Jemima Thomas for Aura Ads.

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